Pizzicato Porno
Premiered at the 2013 Rogue Fringe Festival (Fresno, CA)
Restaged at Ro2 Art Gallery (Dallas, TX) and the Margo Jones Theatre (Dallas, TX)
Official selection for the 2013 Texas Biennial (San Antonio, TX)
Official selection for the 2016 17th International Theater Festival (Dallas, TX)
Performers: Danielle Georgiou and Justin Locklear
Videos: Danielle Georgiou
Live Music Orchestration: Justin Locklear
"It's a bear-all emotional purging: a woven mass of video footage, weather balloons, dance, light nudity, improvised music and a climaxing rubber chicken. Early on the show narrates the painful isolation of togetherness and the struggle to prove one's value to another. Then it seals off the coupling contamination hatch, a required act preluding love's divide." - Jamie Laughlin, Dallas Observer